Win Every Day
By Mark Miller

This is an excellent book on the subject of execution. It’s straightforward and packed full of valuable information. Companies spend so much time coming up with fabulous strategic plans, but then put them on the shelf and never execute what is in them. Maybe it’s because the execution step seems more daunting, but I think Miller shows it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The execution plan in Win Every Day is distilled down to three strategies:
  • Pursue Mastery
  • Own the Numbers
  • Help Others Win 
These aren’t simple strategies, but Miller gives clear guidance on what each strategy looks like. It’s up to each organization then to decide how the strategies can work for them.
Pursue Mastery is really about deciding if you think good enough is good enough or if you want to live each day doing the right thing the right way every time. This doesn’t mean you’re perfect. You will make mistakes and things won’t always work as planned, but the conscious effort each day is to not settle for good enough.
Own the Numbers involves creating an environment where everyone knows the numbers at all times and each person accepts responsibility for them. This means people have to understand the numbers. Once the numbers are clear, then each person’s activities and behaviors are tracked to see if their performance improves. It also fosters accountability.

Help Others Win should be the standard for all organizations. No one wins every day unless everyone wins. According to Miller, “the success of a team will largely be determined by two factors: individual contribution and how well we learn to help others win.” 

Miller uses the fable format, and if you’ve read other books in the series, you’ll see some familiar characters. Win Every Day is engaging, informative, and easy to understand. It’s a helpful, short read that can be used by anyone.
